My Portion Of The Cross
My Lord has conquered calvary.
His labor there is done.
Through death, despair and cruelty,
His victories were won.
Though He assumed my guilt and blame
I lacked one thing because
I failed to yield and rightly claim
My portion of the cross.
By thorns His brow was rent and torn.
His nail-pierced hands were sore.
His saddened face betrayed no scorn
Despite the pain He bore.
He suffered mortal death and shame,
With agony and loss.
As duty bound I pledge to claim
My portion of the cross.
He is the Savior of mankind.
Our lives and love we share.
Our entities are intertwined
Through fellowship and prayer.
For Christ I spurn all worldly fame,
To sin I now give pause.
I yield my heart and gladly claim
My portion of the cross. |